Monday, July 2, 2012

Beverly Hills Veternarian

With my friend Berry Berenson’s blessing, I took Blondie to the vet for a full check up (which was free since I adopted her from the pound!). According to my new vet, Blondie was a Spitz mix, a breed of dog I had never heard of before. Dr. Winters came highly recommended and his office, The Beverly Hills Small Animal Hospital was within walking distance from my apartment.
Sitting in the waiting room with my very own dog in my lap, I conversed with all the other caring pet owners. There was a young gay couple with a puppy that they were training as a guide dog. Another woman with over permed hair had an elderly cat in a carrier that was letting the entire waiting room know how unhappy it was to be there. I peaked inside the carrier and saw that the cat’s fur was the same color as the woman’s over processed hair.
There was a family with a young golden retriever puppy in for its first shots. The two brothers were busy playing with their toy airplanes and cars, driving them over the dog’s head and body. She just lay there wagging her tail, watching their every move with adoration. The boy’s father tried to keep his sons contained, but they were too active to sit still. They used the unoccupied chairs that lined the walls as racetracks, making zooming sound effects and big crash sounds when their toys would land on their dog.
Blondie sat in my lap, shaking so much that her teeth chattered. I worried that if I didn’t get this dog in soon to see the vet soon, she might give herself a heart attack.

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