We entered the
large, cavernous warehouse completely empty except for a small area that was
set up to look like a living room in someone’s home. There was a brown leather
couch with a side table, a homey standing lamp all arranged on a Persian rug, lit up by
spotlights. The rest of the vast space was dark in comparison exception for
natural light that streamed in through the windows surrounding the
building. In front of the living room set, a plain long table was set up where the decision makers were seated in folding chairs with their notepads
and pens in hand. They were dressed like triples, three middle aged men, very
different in appearance except for their clothes, all in khaki pants with polo
shirts that had the collars sticking up and Gucci loafers without socks. One
had a head full of curls, the other had slicked back straight hair and the
third was completely bald. A camera man was standing to the side of the stage with his hand-held pointing at me as I walked to the couch
with Blondie. Everyone was quiet waiting for us to begin. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Neither did Blondie.
For as long as I can remember, I've been an excellent judge of character--canine character. Not so with men. Sleep With Dogs is a serial blog that compares the relationships I've had with men to the kinship I feel with the dogs in my life.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Enter the professional dogs and their trainers
Finally, some professional
handlers showed up with their dogs. I could tell they were in the business
because they came prepared with their dog crates, bait bags, treats and other
training paraphernalia. I, on the other hand, was the person with my dog pulling
me around on a leash, sniffing, and barking, out of control, and obviously not
trained. I peaked inside the crates of the handlers at the other dogs and breathed a sigh of relief; none were as beautiful as Blondie.
Since she was the
prettiest dog there by far, at least in my estimation, I immediately felt at
ease and confident that she had a good shot at being chosen for the spokes dog. How could I have ever doubted my Blondie? I was imagining her future,
being mobbed by fans screaming for her pawdegragh, becoming the poster dog for
shelters nationwide, encouraging people to rescue dogs, the two of us meeting Oprah and sharing our heart warming story of how this little dog changed my life
and the world.
“Lady, lady, hey
you,” I was awakened from my day dream by a man shouting to follow him inside.
I yanked Blondie forward as the trainers in line snickered, I imagined them
talking behind my back and asking each other what was this person doing here
with this obviously untrained mutt?
Thursday, April 25, 2013
The big audition
The next day, I took Blondie to the audition at a warehouse in Culver City . We were the first to arrive. Living in LA, I always gave myself ample time driving to new locations in case I got lost, which I frequently did. But that day, was an exception. I pulled up to the grey, drab building in the middle of an industrial area that seemed totally abandoned. I wasn't even sure I was in the right place. I double checked the address and Blondie and I walked around the building.
In the back of the parking lot, I spotted a sign that read in big black letters DOG AUDITION HERE. So that’s where Blondie and I stood waiting. And waiting. Patience is not a virtue that I have mastered so I became restless and felt uneasy about the whole thing. I was fidgeting and biting my nails, twirling my hair and basically psyching myself into a frenzy. I realized that I hadn't really thought this through before I arrived and now I was starting to have second thoughts.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Raggedy Ann
The dogs came
bounding into the living room like two toddlers, twirling and jumping, barking
and play-growling. Elliott was carrying something in his mouth furiously
shaking the object to get Blondie to play tug with him.
“Elliott, give me
that,” the elegant greyhound spun around, out of my grasp, tail in the air
ready for a game of chase. Blondie turned and excitedly bowed her front paws
down on the ground with her butt in the air barking at him.
“Stop it you two!”
They both looked up at me in surprised. Elliott
dropped to the floor so I could
pull the object from his mouth. It was my original Raggedy Ann doll I had since
I was three years old completely ripped apart. Raggedy Ann is a rag doll with red yarn for hair, a triangle nose and a special hidden heart under her signature dress and apron. Created in 1915, the doll became popular three years later with the introduction of the book, Raggedy Ann Stories. My mom had given her to me and I had kept her safe all these years. I held the doll and cradled her broken
body, stuffing coming out everywhere. I knew Elliott didn't mean to ruin my
childhood keep-sake but he did and I was extremely saddened by the loss.
“What happened?” Ryan keeled down and put his arms around me.
Clutching pieces
of my doll, Blondie faced me with a look of concern, tilting her head slightly,
kissing my tears. Poor Elliott stood back up and wagged his tail not knowing what
to do but trying to make us laugh.
“ I've had her forever,”
I explained.
“I’m so sorry,”
Ryan said as he turned to reprimand Elliott. “Bad Dog!” Elliott cowered as Ryan
lifted his hand to strike.
“Don’t hit him. He didn't know what he was doing,” I said. “Besides, it’s too late now. He won’t
associate the consequence with ripping up my doll,” I reasoned and hugged the
big lug of a dog.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Changing my mind...again
“Ryan, we need to talk,” I said on his answering machine.
I thought it was best to at least give him a warning that something was seriously wrong. He got the message because he immediately called me back and made plans to come over. Of course, he brought Elliott.
“Hello beautiful,”
he said as I opened the door. “What are you making for dinner?” Elliott, the complete goofball that he was, stumbled into my apartment and
ran into my bedroom to play with Blondie.
“Hello to you too,
Elliott,” I patted the big greyhound on the back as he sped by. “Let’s sit down and talk for
a minute.”
“Great. I wanted
to tell you about something,” he sounded exceedingly excited. “Get this. I saw an ad today
about an open audition," he stated with a twinkle in his eyes. You’ll never believe it -- for a paint commercial
looking for – are you ready? A dog. I immediately thought of Blondie.”
“Really?” Just
like that, I forgot about breaking up with him. He had my number. “You think
she could be in a commercial?”
“Why not? It says
open casting call,” he handed me the ad, carefully cut out for me. Then he totally surprised me by asking to cook. Granted, he didn't bring anything to cook with but at least he offered.
“Let me make dinner tonight for you. Do you
have any pasta? It’s my turn to cook for a change.”
Oh my God. Was he reading my mind? Maybe there was a
chance, despite our age difference.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Why aren't you married?
Young Ryan knew I was disappointed with him after the Valentine's Day debacle. It was impossible for him not to know, I was behaving different. It was as if I was watching myself be a mean girl but I couldn't control my anger towards him. It seemed like the ants marched off with the spark that made our relationship work. Our age difference was taking its toll on me. I felt stuck compared
to my other friends.
Barb and her husband
were planning a trip to Hawaii with their kids. They were bringing a sitter too so they could have some adult time together on the island of Maui. My other friend Mary received an entire new wardrobe from her husband that Christmas while Kate’s husband always picked up the tab everywhere we
went. Ryan couldn't even afford to take me to McDonald's. Add to this the
extreme pressure I felt every time I spoke to my mom, constantly badgering me
about getting married, and I was headed for a complete meltdown. I needed to
break it off with Ryan so I could meet the man of my dreams.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
How romantic
There I was, with an actual boyfriend on Valentine's Day who brought me actual flowers, freaking out about the bugs he unintentionally brought into my home with the bundles of flowers he hand-picked for me. At this point, I would have appreciated one lovely store bought bouquet. But it was what it was and it was up to me to do something about the pests.
“First, get all
the flowers out of here and into the dumpster in the alley,” I commanded, now
in full combat mode.
My young boyfriend Ryan looked like he
was going to cry, but then he complied to my demands like a wounded solider, scooping up
fistfuls of flowers and tearing down the stairs of my apartment to the garbage.
I dumped my
bedding into large trash bags to take to the Laundromat. Next, I put the dogs
in my car so they wouldn’t be hurt by the bug spray.
Ryan was running
as fast as he could up and down the stairs with his arms filled with flowers
while I was spraying the hell out of the ants and spiders. We were quite a team. We both
got on our hands and knees and cleaned up the dead ants with paper towels, then
took the bedding to the Laundromat. That’s how we spent Valentine’s Day,
killing ants and washing bedding. How romantic.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Spiders too
Seeing ants in my bedroom made my skin crawl.
“Ryan!” I yelled. He grabbed some of the
flowers and more ants ran out. I moved the bougainvillea, it stabbed my finger.
“Ouch!” I dripped
blood on the white pillow case as a thick black column of ants marched by. They were
scrambling all over the bed, crawling up the walls and down to the floor, from the bedroom to the bathroom. And then I noticed the spiders, huge hairy brown ones, big as a
quarter, the whole place was crawling.
“What have you
done?” I cried.
Ryan just stood
there looking totally defeated. I was devastated. How was I going to clean up
this mess?
“I’m sorry,” he
said in a little boy voice.
“ You've got to help
me get rid of these bugs,” I said hunting for the bug spray under my kitchen
sink. But when I went in there, the ant party was going full throttle in the kitchen
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The ants go marching
I was so touched by Ryan's Valentine's Day surprise that couldn't help from twirling
in circles, excited to see all this beauty surrounding me. I ran to the kitchen as Ryan watched, delighted in my delirium. Tulips,
gardenias, sunflowers and daisies hung everywhere in the kitchen, from the
window, on top of the refrigerator, on the kitchen table and chairs, even the floors were
covered in an array of vibrant colors. I gasped as I entered each room of my tiny apartment, running
back through the living room to the bedroom, into the pink tiled bathroom. Even
it was filled with pretty fuchsia flowers; they covered the sink and tub. I never had a
boyfriend who was that romantic on Valentine’s Day. I grabbed him and kissed
him, tears welling up in my eyes.
“Thank you so much,
you make me feel so special,” I said as a warm and fuzzy sensation started
blooming inside of me.
“You are special,”
he answered. I walked over to the bed and carefully moved the irises over to make
room for us to sit. That’s when I saw them. Ants. Crawling. Marching. Hundreds of
them. No thousands. The entire bed was wriggling with them.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Roses are red
Ryan didn't let me down; he made it a Valentine’s Day to remember. Somehow while I was at a
business meeting, he managed to break into my apartment and decorate it with
fresh flowers. Ryan actually hand-picked them, or stole them, from the front
yards of well-tended Beverly Hills
homes where immaculately manicured gardens are a work of art. I’m not
talking about a few flowers here. He decorated my entire apartment with hundreds
of them, in all imaginable varieties of blooms.
There were
beautiful roses in shades of pinks, reds and yellows creating a sweet scent in
my living room that made me dizzy as I entered. Dropping my briefcase and
purse, I rubbed my eyes to make sure they were real. My mascara made big black circles around my eyes from rubbing them. Ryan looked concerned, as if he thought I was crying. He stood next to me, wiping off the black around my eyes while admiring the rose garden
he had created.
“Ryan, what’s all
this?” I asked in a daze, high from the overwhelming fragrance.
“Happy Valentine’s
Day!” He threw his arms in the air and grabbed me with a big teddy bear hug.
As we hugged, I
peeked over his shoulder into my bedroom. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw
stocks of irises in their deep robust purple on my bed that looked surreal like
the ones Vincent Van Gogh painted. I didn't know how he knew that Irises are one of my very favorite flowers. I dropped my embrace and ran to see the magnificent buds. Framing them were
bright fuchsia stocks of bougainvillea on my pillows as if they were growing
toward the ceiling.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Timing is everything
Ryan loved having his picture taken at all the exclusive parties I was invited to cover for Palm Springs Life magazine. It seemed as though he saw this as
a possible vehicle toward his success as an actor. Wherever we went, Ryan was sure to cause a splash. Both women and men in the LA party scene flirted with the young hunk which only fueled my interest in Ryan. I knew these
were the shallow people who had never accepted me before but were now my bffs, calling at all hours of the night inviting me and my boyfriend to after hour parties. As long as I
brought Ryan with me, then I was also part of the in crowd. Even with all this attention, I knew deep down in my heart it was time to say good-bye and get serious about finding a husband. The problem was timing.
Of course, on Halloween
my favorite holiday, I couldn't break it off with him. Or Thanksgiving or New
Year’s. But I promised myself, after the holidays, I’d start fresh. But then
that plan didn't work because of two simple words. Valentine’s Day.
Friday, March 29, 2013
The Society Editor
Ryan helped me celebrate
my birthday by making reservations at my favorite restaurant, which just
happened to be a client so the entire meal was comped. He did a nice job wrapping a present for me. It was a necklace he made out of noodles, like the ones kids
make their moms for Mother’s Day. Even though I was disappointed, I decided to
wait until the end of the summer to break it off with Ryan. His smile and those
big brown eyes just melted my heart every time I considered ending it. Besides,
Blondie and Elliott were best buddies by now and the two guys came over most
evenings after I finished working to hang out. I made dinner, usually one of a
handful of dishes. I cooked up some pasta with doctored up bottled sauce that I
said was home made or I heated some cream of broccoli soup from a can that I
added fresh vegetables to and lied about making from scratch. It was delicious
with a baguette and green salad.
Summer ended, fall
began with its promise of new beginnings. I got a side job working as the
Around Town Correspondent for Palm Springs Life Magazine. That meant I was invited
to literally every event in Los Angeles in the hopes that I would include it in
my popular column. Ryan loved going with me to every party, movie premier, art
and restaurant opening, play, black tie dinner, everything in Los Angeles. We
got to go out and we didn’t have to spend any money. He craved the limelight
but I missed staying home with Blondie. I didn’t really like hanging out with
all those pretentious people who I didn’t know.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Bringing Up Baby
My relationship with Ryan was just what I needed, light, fun and innocent. The auburn colored light
flecks danced in his brown eyes as he talked and I laughed uncontrollably when he performed private break dance routines, completely naked. When we weren't playing with our dogs, I introduced Ryan to my favorite romantic comedies like the 1938 classic Bringing Up Baby with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. I loved the scenes with Hepburn's character, a flighty heiress, and her "baby" leopard. Ryan even helped me stuff envelopes when I had to do
big mailings for my clients.
At first, I didn't miss the fact that he had no money to take me out on dates or that we couldn't go on vacation together. I didn't care that we didn't have a future together. Our
present was enough for now. Ryan was completely agreeable to my every whim and we
never argued. He had what I referred to as “perm-a-smile” and even my cheeks
hurt from smiling so much whenever he was around. He followed me sort of like a
puppy does. I hesitated to bring him around my friends who were
teasing me about my love affair with someone so young. I didn't want to hurt
his feelings. Plus, I knew we weren't going to last. Besides, my 30th birthday was
coming up, and I definitely wanted to keep him around until then.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Love or lust?
Ryan's entire body was shaking with anticipation as he stood up, grabbed my hand and guided me to my bedroom. We
proceeded to take off each others clothes. I
unbuttoned his shirt, one button at a time, kissing him on his chest and down
to his belt buckle.
“You really want
to do this?” He asked.
I let my body
answer him and when he made love to me that night, I felt as if I was 16 again
only this time I wouldn’t stop the momentum on the dock in Catalina. There was
something about his innocence. Something about his inexperience yet his
knowing, just by being male, he knew how to please a woman. There was no
pretense. There was no judgment. There was no manipulation. Just a man doing
what came naturally from the beginning of time.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Yes, no, maybe
I don’t remember
ever being with a man for the first time without the influence of alcohol dulling my senses. But I wanted this, I wanted him. Ryan embraced me and began
caressing my back in slow and steady strokes. He was sweet and gentle and
definitely not a ladies man (at least not yet). At times, he was awkward
with hands and noses and lips and teeth hitting at wrong moments and in the
wrong places. But he explored and we laughed and it felt good to be touched and
adored by him. He pulled my body under his and I felt light as a feather. My chaotic
mind wailed, he’s too young, don’t do it, you’ll regret it, stop, don’t stop,
it feels good, why not, can’t I have a little fun once in a while, no one has
to know, just do it, besides, he’s a dog lover like you.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Sweet sweat
I tried to start a conversation with young Ryan but it was difficult to concentrate. There was no doubt that I was attracted to the boy. So I asked him if he had plans to go to college?
“Yea, I went to Georgetown University for a year but I didn't graduate, obviously," he explained. "The deal with my dad is that he’ll pay my way until I get my acting career off the ground. I have exactly two years. If it doesn't happen, then I
go back and get my law degree. So time is not on my side. That’s why I invented
Lawrence .” Why he didn't just take acting in school, I thought to myself when out of nowhere, he
reached over and kissed me. It was a very sweet kiss, a first kiss filled with promise and puppy love. I felt giddy with butterfly's taking over my entire body.
“Wait just a
minute," I said as I pulled away from him. "I don’t know about this. I mean there’s a lot here to discuss. First of all, you’re only 19 years old,” Not even old enough to
drink yet, I added in my mind. Even though I had wanted to kiss him just moments ago, and his lips
did feel every bit as sensuous as I had hoped they would, the reality of it was
confusing. I thought I was not the sort of person who could have a fling. I
craved long term relationships and once I slept with someone, it was hard for
me to let go. He had just arrived in town and told me that unless his acting
career took off, he was headed back east. Those were not
very good odds for a long term commitment.
“So what, my last
girlfriend was in her 30s," Ryan said, inching closer to me. "I like older women.” I didn't know if I believed that line,
he seemed awfully immature. Anyway, I felt weird about being labeled the
“older” one considering I was always the youngest, the baby of my family. But
his smile kept me hooked. Besides, this was only going to be a fling, remember?
My thoughts kept racing back and forth until he scooted himself as close to me as
possible and leaned in for another kiss. That's when my mind went completely blank. He smelled so good. Even his sweat was
sweet like vanilla. I stopped resisting.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Cute, broke, actor
“So, you’re an actor, huh?” I asked the young Ryan as I sat next to him
on my second hand couch. He made me feel completely comfortable, possibly because I wasn't putting pressure on myself or him. He was so young that I knew he wasn't "Mr. Right." He was simply "Mr. Right Now."
I took my shoes off and ran my feet over Blondie’s silky coat. She
looked up at me then put her head back down on the floor. I gazed at Ryan. His
mouth was moving but I didn't hear a word he was saying. I was off in my own dreamland
just watching, those full lips, that grin, I wanted to kiss him and feel that
velvety mouth against mine. Blondie’s feet started moving as if she was running
after Elliott at the park, waking me up from my day-dream. She whimpered out
loud like dogs do sometimes in their sleep.
“It’s okay
girlie,” I whispered and she relaxed back into her happy dream state. I turned
my attention to Ryan.
"Are you an actor of the silver screen or a star of the TV screen?”
“Well, neither yet, I've only started auditioning. I just got a manager when I arrived here a few
weeks ago.” He was beaming the entire time he spoke. It was infectious. I
started smiling too, even though we weren't talking about anything that was
particularly amusing.
“Well, that’s
good, to already have a manger, isn't it? It can be difficult to even get
representation in this town.”
“I’ll let you in
on a little secret,” he whispered. “I made him up.”
“You what?”
“His name is
Lawrence Feinstein and I made him up. I call about auditions and get myself the
appointments due to the tenacity of a totally made up person.”
“Oh my God! You
should get an Academy Award just for that!” I didn't think about asking how he
found out about auditions or where he got these numbers to call and get the
information about auditions. The fact that he just told me he’s a liar didn't even phase me. I was already starting down the road of denial with Ryan. “Let
me hear his voice.”
He didn't even hesitate:“Hello, I’m
calling about Ryan. He is new in town and is perfect for the role of Sam in
your movie. Can I send him to your casting call today?” His voice sounded
deeper, older and he imitated a perfect New
York accent. At least he wasn't sitting around
complaining, I thought.
“How do you pay your
bills?” I asked, curious to learn what he did for money. LA is an expensive
“My Dad is helping
me. He’s an attorney in DC.” Of course he was, I thought. Isn't everyone that lives there an attorney? It figures. He’s cute. He’s an actor. He’s broke.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Hey 19
The next day, we met at the park. And the trend continued for the entire week. By the weekend, I felt ready to invite him to my apartment.
By then, I had moved into out of the Perkins house into my own place in Beverly
Hills. I got all my stuff that wasn't ruined during the ugly Bobby break-up out of storage
and Berry and Tony gave me some additional furniture they weren't using. Even with Blondie
and my friends, I was lonely and tired of trying so hard to find Mr. Right. I figured a fun, non-serious fling with this young man might take
my mind off my quest for a while.
“Nice place,” Ryan
said as he entered my apartment with the second hand furniture. Blondie was acting really excited to have Elliott
over. She was showing him around, the water bowl is here, the bedroom’s here,
the kitchen’s here, bathroom’s here. Elliott followed her from room to room as if we
lived in a palace. Finally, they settled in the living room, sprawled out on
the wood floor in front of the couch, pooped after a fun afternoon frolicking
at the park.
“Go ahead and make
yourself comfortable,” I said even through Ryan was already sitting on the couch
with his feet up on my coffee table. “Want something to drink?” I asked from
the kitchen.
“I’d love a Coke,”
he replied. I made a funny face from the other room as I peaked inside my
bare refrigerator.
“How about a glass
of water?”
“Water sounds
great.” I returned with two glasses of ice
water. At least I had ice. He didn't seem to mind a bit, smiling that contiguous grin.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Bad dog
I gently took hold of Blondie's collar but she obviously wasn't ready to leave. She looked up at me with those deep brown soulful eyes filled with mischief, and took off in the opposite
direction, looking back at me to see if I would chase her. I stayed put but Elliott crouched
down then took off in circles around Blondie.
“Your dog is a bad influence on my Blondie,” I said flippantly before yelling, “Blondie Come Here!”
Both dogs turned and started
running at full speed towards us while jumping and nipping at each
other along the way. Elliott was headed directly at me, not paying attention to where he was headed. I braced myself to be slammed by this big athletic dog but at the last moment, Ryan slid in front of me like a baseball player stealing home stopping Elliott in his tracks. The two of them rolled on the grass, human arms and dog legs flailing. I couldn't believe my eyes when they both quickly jumped back on their feet
completely unfazed.
“He has a little
difficulty putting on the brakes sometimes,” Ryan told me as Elliott looked
adoringly at his owner, obviously not hurt in the tackle. “Must be a bad habit
from his racing days,” Ryan added as he gave Elliott an enthusiastic pat and
the dog playfully rubbed his entire body against his owner, almost knocking him
over. Ryan stepped back and waved his arms to catch his balance. His knees were grass stained.
“You’re my hero,”
I remarked acting like a damsel in distress with my hands together
by the side of my face, my right leg bent at the knee. As I put the leash on
Blondie, I asked “Why don’t we meet here again tomorrow?”
“Deal,” he said as
he rubbed the grass off his palms before putting his hand out to shake on it. When our hands touched, I was surprised at the chemistry I felt between us. He was nine years younger, so young I
thought I better leave that one alone. As I got to my car, I looked back at him
and he was waving good bye with both hands. I could feel the electricity from the parking lot.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Just Friends
While young Ryan was showing off his break dancing moves, Blondie and Elliott lay together under the shade of a nearby tree both. They already looked as if they were old friends. Their faces were relaxed, noses in the air, their bodies sprawled out on the park's grass. No one would have ever guessed that both dogs were
rescued from certain death.
“Where’re you
from,” Ryan asked turning his attention to me with that incredible smile. We
chatted for a while, mostly about our dogs. I didn't think too much about it
since he was nine years younger than me, not even old enough to drink yet. Lots
of men my age dated younger women but I just didn't think I could go there.
“It was nice meeting you and thanks for the dance,” I said as I grabbed Blondie’s pink bling collar. "We've got to go now."
“Hey, uh, do you
want to go out sometime? I mean, I just moved here and I don’t know that many
people,” he stammered. He was so adorable I couldn't help by feel flattered
that he asked me out. But we had nothing in common except for dogs. I didn't know anything about break dancing, Washington DC or acting. I figured it was best to remain untangled with this young hunk, even though I found him intensely attractive.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Break Dancing
Elliott didn't take his eyes off his owner Ryan while the two of them walked back to us. The mutual love between the two of them was palpable as Elliott jumped around his owner like a gazelle. I had a very good feeling about this encounter.
"That was fast," I said as Ryan flipped his right hand taut and sent his arms gliding across his body like a rubber hose moving to the tip of his left hand. "What was that?"
“I used to be a professional break dancer,”
the young Ryan informed me. I couldn't break dance to save my life. I tried not to but I laughed out
loud as he showed me some of his intricate, athletic moves.
Times were different back then. There weren't reality shows or YouTube stars.
In fact, there wasn't much opportunity for dancers that I knew about. I had
only seen break dancing in person on the streets of New York City .
There was no music playing but as he danced, it
was impossible for me to keep from tapping my foot to the beat of his
movements. All eyes at the park were now on him as he slid, jumped, and landed
on his toes in a dramatic choreographed sequence of intricate dance steps. His
feet moved so quickly I could see why the greyhound was his first choice in
dogs. He jumped and landed on his hands with his feet at a 90 degree angle, then
froze for a moment before popping back up. The muscles in his buffed biceps
were clearly getting a workout as he jumped from hand to hand effortlessly.
Standing now, his shoulders moved one way while his hips moved the other and
then he jumped again, balancing on one arm until he froze in mid-air. This boy
had power and flexibility, that’s for sure. By the time he finished, everyone
at the park clapped.
“That’s twice
today they've clapped for you,” I pointed out.
“On the streets of
D.C., they used to give me money,” he laughed as he brushed the grass from his
hands. “I started by competing with other street performers until I was
discovered. I performed with a troupe from the time I was 16.”
I was impressed.
I had no idea the strength that was necessary for break dancing.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Run like the wind
As I marveled at his majestic looking dog, I asked Ryan if Elliott had ever raced.
“Yea, and he won
most of the time,” he proudly answered, showing me Elliott’s tattooed number
inside his right ear. “This is his
racing number. I looked up his statistics and he was fast. Over 40 miles an
“Wow. That's amazing. Can I see him
run?” I asked and Ryan shook his head yes.
“Here, you hold
him and I’ll go to the other end of the park,” he handed me Elliott's collar.
It was hard to hold back 90 pounds of solid muscle. Right
away, Elliott started to squirm and lunge toward Ryan pulling my arm
practically out of its socket. So I put both my arms around his deep chest and
felt his heart pounding as he tried to get away. I was surprised that his short
coat was so soft and fine making it even more difficult to hold onto him.
He struggled in my
arms, pulling me forward but I held on tight. When Ryan finally yelled to him
from across the park, I let go and Elliott took off. I witnessed for the first time the greyhound’s double suspension gallop; all four of his feet were off the ground during each full stride. A hush came over the entire park as his powerful muscles strained
against his skin. The small ears that stood straight up moments ago now
folded over tight next to his head. Elliott’s
complete attention was focused on his owner as he ran the entire distance of a
football field in a matter of seconds.
To my surprise,
Blondie took off after Elliott and actually managed to keep up with him for a
few strides. Her legs were also in a perfect rhythm, reaching out as far as she
could make them go. Her golden
hair was blowing against her sleek body and her nose stuck out in front of her
as far forwarded as she could make it go. But she was no match for the
greyhound. When Elliott reached Ryan and skidded to a stop, the entire park
broke out in applause.
Blondie only made
it a fraction of the distance before she turned and came back to me. Her little
game of chasing dogs and biting their tails didn't work with Elliott. He was
far too fast for her antics. She stood by my side and watched the fastest dog
we had ever seen run like the wind.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Elliott the greyhound
Seemingly out of nowhere, a young man appeared, running towards me after his beautiful fawn colored greyhound. My heart stopped. He looked more like a Roman God than a
human being with his perfectly chiseled nose, his short slicked back hair and
muscular build. He wore converse tennis shoes and Calvin Klein Jeans with a
simple white cotton shirt that made a striking contrast against his tanned olive
skin. Did Goddess Diana send him to me?
Ryan had big brown doe eyes filled with wonder, wide shoulders like an
Olympic swimmer and a smile that could melt anyone’s heart. He was only 19-years-old, significantly younger than me, and had recently moved to Los Angeles from Washington DC to start his acting career. He rescued his dog, Elliott, as soon as he had a home that allowed dogs because he had always wanted to save one of these canine athletes. That sentiment alone carried a huge amount of weight with me since so
many people I knew in LA were only interested in owning pure breeds as a status
symbol. Elliott the dog made his owner look good in my eyes with his slender head, wet
brown nose and dark eyes that revealed a gentle, intelligent soul.
The race track is home for these magnificent creatures since birth and they live a very regimented and sheltered existence while they are racing. Most retire after about two-years without any experience in the real world. So, although they are on the large side, Greyhounds make excellent apartment pets. They enjoy being with people and other pets and are a low maintenance dog by nature. They are not in constant motion, as one would think. They've paid their dues on the race track and are perfectly content to sleep the day away, as long as they get their daily walks. I had been an advocate for this breed, even though I had never owned one myself. Elliott looked like he had a smile on his face, just like his owner Ryan. It was impossible not to
smile too.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I ran into an
older couple delighted with their two West Highland Terrier puppies. The man's white hair matched his pack. He looked like a Westie, with dark brown, almost black, eyes. The couple seemed a little overwhelmed by their energetic, independent and self-confident dogs.
“I love those puppies,” I said as both dogs wiggled their entire bodies and tried to climb my legs. When researching dogs before rescuing Blondie, I read that the Westie are very social and friendly but they need exercise. The Scottish breed dates back to James I of England who ordered a dozen white terriers as a gift to the Kingdom of France.
“Westies are great
companions,” the man said. “They’re a bit feisty but in a very playful way,” the woman added. "This is their first time at the park," she added. "They just finished getting their shots."
I didn't stop for long, although I did take a moment to inhale their sweet puppy breath! I wasn't even half way around the park yet.
There were about a dozen or so people and dogs left to meet and more were arriving
every minute. I needed to keep going, stay with the plan to meet my man.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
As I strolled the park with Blondie by my side, I noticed a group of
six jocks playing Frisbee with their dogs. Maybe they were single. They looked about my age, clean cut and tanned. Their dogs, a regal looking German Shepherd, a Lassie looking Collie-mix, a giant Boxer, a feisty Jack Russell, and a handsome Golden Retriever were fighting over the Frisbee each time it was launched. The Jack mutt kept catching it, much to the displeasure of the rest of the pack. Once he got a hold of the Frisbee, he ran as fast as he could, playing keep away from the other canines and their humans.
The men were obviously a clique, in their Adidas warm-up outfits so popular back then. As I moved closer to them, the Frisbee came soaring right to me. Was this a form of park flirting? I could play that game. So I caught the Frisbee and tried to impress them by throwing it back. I had not yet learned the gentle art of the Frisbee and
hit one of the guys in the head. Needless to say, I kept going.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Where is HE?
I drove down that
windy road with a new found determination in my heart. As I parked my car, I was overcome by a feeling of knowing HE was
there, our paths would cross that very day. Just as I was putting Blondie’s
leash on, a car pulled up beside me and a handsome man stepped out. Was this
him? I smiled as he came around to the passenger side to get his dog out.
“Is that a doggie
seat belt?” I asked the preppy looking 30 something.
“Yea, my wife
found it and since Spot is our child, we have to keep him safe.”
Well, I guess
he’s not the one, he’s already married. I should have noticed the ring. Too bad
because he was tall and lanky, just my type, wearing Levis tennis shoes and a
green and white striped Ralph Lauren polo shirt with the collar pulled up
around his neck that matched his striking emerald eyes. He unbuckled his energetic lab from its seat belt and put its leash on. Immediately, the dog
jumped out of the car and started pulling him towards the park entrance.
“I didn't know they made doggie seat belts,” I
said. “I’ll have to look into that. Thanks for the tip.”
I walked on deciding
the best course of action would be to make a circle around the perimeter of the
park for a complete view of who was there. I immediately came upon three young
starlettes with small toy dogs; a fluffy Pekingese, a Maltese with its hair up
in a pink bow and a Chihuahua-mix wearing a pink sweater. The girls were
wearing ripped tee shirts with their Valley Girl pink headbands and matching
leg warmers. They were getting lots of attending from the boys at the park. But, I didn't let that defeat my purpose!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Goddess Diana
It was as if Goddess
Diana, the one from Roman Mythology (who my best friend Berry Perkins reminded me of), shot
a magic arrow down from the heavens at me that day as I drove to the dog park in Laurel Canyon. Diana, the goddess of
single women, protector of all that is wild and free, the maiden huntress, she and her greyhounds would help me finally attract an appropriate man.
The greyhound is a
creature of rare beauty with slender legs for speed and agility, and
well-developed muscles for endurance, such a powerful yet elegant creature,
sleek and gentle. In fact, Greyhounds are the fastest running of all dogs, with
their long legs and lanky frames. Only the cheetah tops the Greyhound for speed
in the animal world. I needed the speed, strength and endurance of these regal canines to help me in my quest to end my single status.
Thursday, February 14, 2013

I realized that it wasn't for the money. It wasn’t
about the jewels at all. It was about the rush, about beating the system. Gary
was just a guy who needed to live life on the edge. I wanted to be with someone
who was exciting, that was true, but I realized integrity was an important quality I needed in a man.There was no question; I had made the right decision in leaving his apartment.
I still wanted to find someone to spend my life with, though. So, the very next day,
I headed back to the Laurel Canon Dog Park. I knew there were lots of single men at the park. Dog
loving men. I needed to meet as many as possible. I figured being single was a
numbers game. The more I met, the better my chances of making that special
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
A message from Blondie
As Gary was talking, I took a moment to look around his apartment and see what was beyond the filth. I noticed that his walls
were decorated with photos of him in his tux being interviewed on various talk
shows. Sheba was always at his side looking right at the camera. He saw me looking at the collection of memories, hung way too high on the wall and crooked.
“Oh those are of
me on the talk show circuit,” He proudly announced. “Once I got on one, they all
wanted me,” he smiled then bent over to kiss me. I was totally taken off-guard, backing away from him as he moved closer to me.His actions startled Blondie who actually growled and showed her teeth. I took the opportunity to slide down under his arm until I was completely off
the couch. Sitting on the floor, I saw a piece of toilet paper stuck to my
shoe. That did it. That was totally gross.
“I like you, I really
like you, Gary,” I said.
“But…” he added.
“But, I don’t
know, I’m just not ready to get into a relationship. You’re absolutely
adorable. So kind to my little dog. And so interesting. I’ve never met anyone
quite like you. But this just isn’t going to work out between us.” I grabbed my
purse and headed toward the door.
“Wait, you didn’t
even eat your steak.”
“That’s okay. I’m
not hungry anymore. I’ll see you later,” Blondie and I made a quick exit, both throwing up once outside.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Blondie hopped up next to me on the couch, shaking me out
of the confused daze that came over me in light of the mess inside Gary's
apartment. Sheba stayed off the furniture, curling up on her doggie bed in
front of a fake fire place. In no time, Sheba was snoring away, loudly.
“She’s tired. She plays hard with Blondie.” Gary said as he
pet Blondie lovingly. This one simple act made me feel much more comfortable.
“You have such a kind and gentle nature. It’s hard to
imagine you robbing people,” I said as I leaned back on the couch. I felt
something hard underneath me. I reached under the cushions and found an old can
of dog food that had gotten lodged in there. I discreetly pulled it out while Gary’s
attention was focused on opening a bottle of wine. I hoped it was Sheba who hid
it there, and not her master. I placed it carefully next to the couch, wiping
my hand on the carpet.
“You mean you crashed parties and then stole from the
“That’s exactly what I did,” he said grinning. “The bigger
the party the better cuz I could get lost in the crowd. They usually hid the
goods in their bathroom. Bandaid cans seemed to be the most popular hiding
“You’re kidding,” I said and sat back, knocking some loose
papers off the back of the couch. They went flying behind us. I felt mortified
but he didn't even seem to notice.
“I dressed up in my tux and went to the party then ducked
out to the master bedroom, took the loot and slipped through a window.”
Monday, February 11, 2013
The cat burglar's apartment

"After you," he said. I was
shocked speechless at the total disaster; newspapers and magazines strewn all over the
floor, an empty pizza box in the corner, dirty dishes and crusty old cans of
dog food on the kitchen counter, several pairs tennis shoes in the living room.
A dirty, fowl, musty smell lingered in the air that made me recoil.
Quickly, he pushed aside
papers from his couch making room for us to sit. I imagined him spread out on that couch, watching tv or taking a nap using the garbage as his blanket. I thought it was so weird. I
immediately plastered a counterfeit smile on my face, something I had learned to depend on to escaped the reality of certain situations. I thought about this cat burglar and how he had
to be so well organized in order to burglarize million dollar homes in Beverly Hills and get
away with the loot. Here he was living in complete filth. Why would he risk
his life like that to live like this?
Friday, February 8, 2013
At home with a cat burgular

I may have been
disappointed but I was still hungry. So I followed him this time to an ugly
stucco beige colored two-story apartment building in the West Valley. It was
the worst looking building on the busy street lined with tall palm trees. The
building’s gardens were practically dead and the paint was peeling. I still had
high hopes that his unit would be well-kept, clean and cozy. Maybe it would be
filled with the jewels he stole as a cat burglar!
Thursday, February 7, 2013

It was a tiny
place with a lively sushi bar that catered to a local crowd of loyal diners.
Unlike Gary’s
steakhouses, this restaurant was brightly lit with rock n’ roll music blaring
in the background. Behind the chefs, the menu hung on the wall painted on
wooden slates in black letters and corresponding red Japanese lettering. Fresh
fish was kept in a glass display case on top of the wooden bar where Sushi
Chefs worked their magic for the guests. There were a few individual tables but
most patrons preferred to sit at the bar.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
One evening after
a romp at the park with the girls, Gary
asked me to dinner. I did not yet know that he was strictly a meat and potatoes man. I quickly learned that Gary frequented those steak houses that were so popular in the 1980s.
I had not entered a
dimly lit steak house for years, opting instead for restaurants that served more healthy choices. Gary's idea of a good food centered around a raw steak with salad dripping in fattening blue
cheese dressing and huge baked potatoes heaped in real butter. These establishments were always filled with neighborhood drunks that made me feel
extremely uncomfortable by standing too close, breathing their awful smelling
breath in my face. Gary was in his element. I thought what the heck, opposites attract, right?
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Dangerous park games
Blondie was so cleaver that she actually created some of her own games at the dog park. Her new friendship with Sheba seemed to be giving her more confidence. One thing the girls liked to do was chase
dogs that were chasing balls. The bigger and meaner the dog the better. And if Blondie could sneak up on a big nasty canine just as they snatched the ball and get
some of their tail fur in her mouth, score! Sheba egged her new friend on,
encouraging her to find the baddest dog in the park to hustle. I didn’t like it
at all. Gary
thought it was amusing.
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